My 16-year-old self considered her options:
OPTION 1: This could be the summer I actually have penis-vagina intercourse for the first time and it would be with a guy I'm crazy about. I'd have to be super careful and would still be risking pregnancy. I don’t think I would have an abortion if I become pregnant and I really don’t want to be pregnant OR have a baby right now. This option comes with life-changing consequences.
OPTION 2: I could just see how things go and decide later. I don’t think I want to have penis-vagina sex, but I’ll just deal with it when the situation becomes more imminent. I don’t know what he expects but maybe we shouldn’t talk about it because I don't want him to leave if he knows I'm probably not going to want to have sex. He knows I’ve never done the penis-vagina thing so I’m sure he’ll respect that as a boundary because he’s a nice guy. Right?
OPTION 3: I think that the risks of intercourse are far more than I can manage right now. Pregnancy would be an absolute train wreck. I don’t even want to have to go through the process of considering abortion and I absolutely do not want a child. This guy is going back to college in a couple of months so this is not likely to be a thing that’s going to last which could be emotionally brutal for me. I need to set my boundaries very clearly with him so there is no grey area about what “might” happen. If he respects them and I can trust him, maybe I can relax and enjoy sexy time a little more without feeling the need to gatekeep every step of the way.
I chose option three. Unknown to me at the time, this was when I uncovered a deep part of my erotic self and psyche. This guy was not the first guy I had been sexually explorative with, but it was the first time that I wasn’t just bumbling through and dealing with the constant push-pull of wanting and regretting. It was so damn freeing! I could trust and let go and FEEL. Managing expectations on the front end allowed me to let go of my inner judge-gatekeeper and it was glorious. What I understood later was that this was my first experience of the power of submission and my ability to set terms in order to access that state.
From then on, I moved through the world as a sexually empowered human who never struggled with sex again because I had unlocked the power of… umm... power?
OPTION 2: I could just see how things go and decide later. I don’t think I want to have penis-vagina sex, but I’ll just deal with it when the situation becomes more imminent. I don’t know what he expects but maybe we shouldn’t talk about it because I don't want him to leave if he knows I'm probably not going to want to have sex. He knows I’ve never done the penis-vagina thing so I’m sure he’ll respect that as a boundary because he’s a nice guy. Right?
OPTION 3: I think that the risks of intercourse are far more than I can manage right now. Pregnancy would be an absolute train wreck. I don’t even want to have to go through the process of considering abortion and I absolutely do not want a child. This guy is going back to college in a couple of months so this is not likely to be a thing that’s going to last which could be emotionally brutal for me. I need to set my boundaries very clearly with him so there is no grey area about what “might” happen. If he respects them and I can trust him, maybe I can relax and enjoy sexy time a little more without feeling the need to gatekeep every step of the way.
I chose option three. Unknown to me at the time, this was when I uncovered a deep part of my erotic self and psyche. This guy was not the first guy I had been sexually explorative with, but it was the first time that I wasn’t just bumbling through and dealing with the constant push-pull of wanting and regretting. It was so damn freeing! I could trust and let go and FEEL. Managing expectations on the front end allowed me to let go of my inner judge-gatekeeper and it was glorious. What I understood later was that this was my first experience of the power of submission and my ability to set terms in order to access that state.
From then on, I moved through the world as a sexually empowered human who never struggled with sex again because I had unlocked the power of… umm... power?