Vino & Vulvas presents

Vino & Vulvas 2023

All 3 event RECORDINGS.
  • How to KNOW what you want
  • How to SAY what you want
  • How to GET what you want

Did you enjoy the bonus erotica readings?
June full moon is Available Now!
The moon and I have a thing... 
Vivian keeps secrets. She has narrow windows to let her true nature out and she wants to make the most of them... until she comes across a very unusual human. Now she and her wife are trying to solve a multi-level puzzle about magical beings, their relationship, and possibly the fate of the world. 
This story is dripping in fun, hot sex scenes that will not leave you tired of the "same ol' scene". Queerness, kink, power dynamics, consent, nonmonogamy, and erotic intelligence are all tied into this story. 

Heather Edwards

Heather has worked as a pelvic PT since 2003 and then trained as a sex counselor and education at the University of Michigan 2017-2018. She earned her AASECT certification in 2019. 

Heather created Vino & Vulvas in 2015 as a local sex-ed-in-a-bar event and it has grown over the years into a much larger event at a local (to Asheville, NC) concert venue, The Grey Eagle. 

To set up coaching or consulting sessions with Heather, email them at 
Patrick Jones - Course author
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