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Integrating Sexual Health as a
Pelvic Health Care Provider
How to ask the awkward questions and provide creative solutions
With Dr. Uchenna Ossai and Heather Edwards
Want to take a deeper diver into sexuality counseling?
What a recent graduate said about their experience in the program:
Navigating spaces that discuss gender and sexuality can be difficult for me. I identify as agender and asexual and often I feel the need to put on a mask in order to participate. In this program space that UC and Heather created, I felt the most free to be me I've ever felt in a didactic space. Whether it was listening to the self-paced content or during office hours, I felt welcomed. I almost wrote "at ease," but there is also discomfort in learning new things and being challenged. UC and Heather are there all along the way. As are your fellow cohort members! I think many people have to mask and armor themselves to participate in the daily mix of systemic racism, misogyny, transphobia, and myriad other oppressions. With this program, UC and Heather offer such brilliant and foundational information in a way that asks, that asked me, to question the utility of hiding myself as I learned to honor and care for others. Through this program, I feel more capable of asking for change from the medical industrial complex and I have gained competence in my ability to offer trauma-informed care.